Analysis of the Cycling Effects on Male’s Testes

Posted by tan xiao yan on

Basically, some years ago, an article was published about the possibility of “reproductive health” hazards of cycling which shocked the cycling world and the marketing people started selling “anatomic” saddles that had various sorts of pressure-relieving grooves and channels and other features.

However, more thorough examinations showed testes injury was a very small sample, and primarily consisted of more “extreme” riders who put in hundreds of miles per month. Then comes the question at first- whether cycling affects male’s testes or not.pain

The question actually points at whether or not spending lots of time on a bike saddle, which can involve putting weight on tissue through which your penis’s blood supply flows, can adversely impact the health of your penis, or your ability to have or maintain an erection. Nerve damage and erectile dysfunction are possible—depending on factors like comfort, position, and time spent in the saddle—over a long period of time. Otherwise, medical research into possible links between cycling and testicular or prostate cancer has been inconclusive. So there are actually three factors that count most: your saddle, how long you ride, and your riding posture.

The saddle
Here’s the bottom line. A lot of people ride bikes that are very poorly set-up, or which simply don’t fit. Doing this can indeed cause pressure on sensitive nerves and cause problems; primarily temporary numbness.

A male cyclist can place a significant percentage of his weight on his perineum, an area between the scrotum and the anus where the nerves and arteries to the penis pass. This pressure -- and a narrow saddle seat -- can injure the arteries and nerves.

If you ride with a poorly-fitted saddle or just ignore the numbness that happens when you sit for long periods on your perineum, that can do some damage over the long term- those blood vessels are pretty elastic and can recover after being smashed, but that only goes so far. After all, you’re sitting on the tissue through which the perineal artery goes, and that’s the blood supply for your junk. Fortunately, they make saddles that don’t press into this part of you when fitted right, so you never have to deal with numb junk.


The time spent cycling
Excess of everything is bad. Excessive cycling may be the cause. One of the problems with 'comfort bikes' is that they have plush, soft saddles that conform to every piece of your perineum since they are designed towards sitting upright on the bike. This is good for short-term riding (<= 1 hour) but riders going longer will find numbness start to creep in since all the nerves and blood vessels supplying the fertility bits are getting compressed.

For longer rides, you should be on a bike that distributes body weight more evenly between the hands and the butt, and the saddle should be hard enough to allow you to perch on your sacro-ischial tuberosities (your SIT bones). But someone even prefers the saddles to have a central depression or cut-out to ensure no pressure on the midline of the perineal region. These saddles take some time to get used to and will cause some discomfort directly underneath the SIT bones.

The riding posture
cycling, postureGetting seated straight on the saddle with the center of weight concentrated on the saddle merely causes the majority of the body weight fall on your hips and buttocks.

Local impact on the testicular and perineal area may impact sexual function. Studies show significant nerve or vascular injury in some individuals who bicycle intensely or for long periods. Genital numbing may persist in some men for a long time, which can significantly affect sexual function. Bicyclists also report erectile dysfunction. However, if you lean a little forward, the weight can be shared upon arms and hands.

"The earliest warning sign is numbness or tingling," says Irwin Goldstein, MD, director of San Diego Sexual
Medicine. Does the statement troubles you and hinder you from determined cycling trip? On the basis of the analysis above, it can be said that there are sayings of that testes harm possibility, but no conclusive evidence has ever been asserted. Though the risks are little, precautions need to be taken when you are riding a bicycle.

Get your bike fitted properly.
This involves having the overall bike be of the correct frame size, and then the fine adjustments like saddle height, “reach”, saddle fore-and-aft distance, and saddle angle all adjusted properly. Every now and again noseless saddles crop up purporting to solve the problem. Also, good “gear” helps a lot. Buy a decent pair of riding shorts. People seem scared to death of spandex, but good shorts are well padded and have no seams on the sensitive areas. They also hold one’s “equipment” out of the way.


Never ignore pain or numbness.
It is the sign of the compressed nerves and poor circulation that are implicated in damaging your man parts. Thirdly, shift your cycling posture from time to time. You should also make sure to stand on the pedals for a few seconds out of every 15 minutes to keep the blood flowing. Make sure that the saddle is properly fitted to your riding style: on a standard road bike, hybrid, or mountain bike the saddle should be level.

From the opposing perspective, cycling is considered a safe sport if you know the proper safety precaution and be mindful while cycling. Although for men, the health benefits of bicycling may involve a troublesome trade-off, especially the issue of testes that not bothers female riders, the cycling effect on their secret part is little and proper cycling can be a great help for your stamina because both your muscles can be strengthened and body shape built.

Don’t allow the few hidden risks block in your exercising way and now cycle with the suggestions above and I believe you can benefit rather than get much bad impact from cycling. Have fun!