A report has pointed out that in most accidents a cyclist is separated from his or her bike. Therefore, it is vital for a cyclist to wear clothing and personal protective equipment that fits well to protect them from serious injuries. Not only does the clothing and personal protective equipment improve visibility, resist abrasion, protect against impacts and weather, but also save your life. The followings are the main protective equipment you can consider buying for your body.
The helmet is an absolute must. In fact, the most useful piece of protective gear for cyclists is the helmet. As the NHTSA-MSF states, in the event of a crash, no existing strategy or safety equipment offers protective comparable to an FMVSS 218 compliant helmet and there are no compelling medical arguments against helmet use. According to a study, a rider without a helmet is 40 percent more likely to get injured seriously than is a rider with a helmet. So buying a helmet to protect your head should be your top priority. The helmets sold in the markets are usually lightweight and well ventilated and it’s very convenient to carry.
Jackets are of leather before because it’s durable and resists road rash well. Every rider has the possibility of falling off the bikes and the abrasions are the most common injury. Modern jackets which are made of fabric can also prevent you from abrasions while remaining breathable. Wearing a waterproof and windproof jacket will keep you warm when riding in cold weather. If the jacket you wear doesn’t have a collar, you can wear a goodjacket scarf to protect you from the wind chill. Besides, a jacket may also have the function of built-in spine protection. A jacket with reflective panels or piping can improve your visibility.
In bicycle accidents, foot and ankle injuries, especially fractures are the most common. A good pair of cycling boots should cover the ankle to offer protection to feet and ankles, as well as from the impact of flying road debris. when you come off your bike, over- the -ankle boots will help prevent injuries if your shins hit the handle bars. The boots you wear should be waterproof, breathable and must be a good fit to take the boots off and put them on easily. Always pay attention to the sole which should offer arch support. It’s better to wear boots with kind of anti-crush shank and reflective areas on the heel and side. Don’t wear tennis shoes, sandals or barefoot when you are riding your bike, even if you are just riding across the yard.
Wearing a pair of full- fingered gloves will not only help prevent cuts, bruises and abrasions in a crash but also will protect your hands from blisters, the wind, sun and cold.they can also reduce the problem of cramping because of the exposure to extreme temperatures which can affect the ability to safely riding a bike. It’s of great importance to wear a pair of breathable gloves or your hands will be sweaty and uncomfortable. Gloves are made of a variety of materials, including leather and synthetic fabric with rubber, Kevlar, polyurethane and other products used for padding and impact protection.
Pants should be windproof and waterproof and big enough to fit over your boots. Wearing a pair of pants will not certainly add to the enjoyment of your ride, but will prevent soreness from repeated rubbing which is a headache for most cyclists. the padding on the hips is of great importance in a crash. If the pants have built- in knee pads, you will not need external knee pads. The pants you wear should have zipper pockets and reflective panel to increase your visibility when you are riding at night. The cycling pants should be a key item in your cycling wardrobes.
6.Ear plugs
Noise will cause fatigue and affect your concentration when you are riding. The purpose of wearing ear plugs is to reduce the sound volume to guard against the long- term exposure to engine and wind noise. Ear plugs can be bought in pharmacies, hardware stores and more, including deformable foam ones and rubber ones that look like Christmas tree. Make sure the ear plugs you get are comfortable under your helmet.
In addition to the items I have mentioned above, wearing a pair of shatterproof sunglasses to protect your eyes is desirable.remember wearing a pair of sunglasses is not for a pose. They can keep dirt, dust, and files out of your eyes. Never wear your sunglasses when visibility is low and you’d better wear a full face helmet wiglassesth a visor to prevent the damage from insects and debris. Some people like to wear goggles, but they cannot protect the rest of your face.
8.Bike toe- clips or spuds
spuds are well known as a brand name for cycling shoes which “lock in”your pedal. They can make you pull up as well as push down which will add enjoyment to your riding. If you haven’t used them before, start now and they are easy to get used to.
9.Knee and elbow pads
Knee and elbow pads can cushion the impact, prevent you a fracture or break to your knee or elbow if you fall off your bike. Knee and elbow pads are available in many activities, such as playing basketball, dancing and so on.
10.base layers
In cold winter, it’s very important to prevent the risk of hypothermia, so base layers are a necessity. The base layers you wear inside should be warm and breathable. A thinner layer is always better than one thick layer. The base layer you wear when skiing or snowboarding is available.
Wearing protective clothing or personal equipment has many functions as I have mentioned above. Everyone who doesn't don’t wears protective clothing or personal protective equipment when riding a bike is asking for serious injuries. We should always make sure that we take the protective measure wherever we go.
Essential clothing and personal protective equipment to ride safely
Posted by tan xiao yan on