How to get an effective sweet spot cycling

Posted by tan xiao yan on

As we all know, the sweet spot is one of the most efficient ways of training for those who don’t have plenty of time to train. Many people may feel confused about the idea of the sweet spot, so let me explain it to you. Sweet spot, remarkably efficient sort of training, is located between high zone 3 and low zone

4. By riding at the maximum intensity that you can sustain for the period of your training session, you can get the maximum training benefit.
It balances the exercise intensity and volume of training. So how to get fit by indoor cycling sweet spot workout?You have come to the right place and this article will help you a to get an effective sweet spot cylcing

It’s important to get things warm up nice and easy. So 90 RPM to start with, for just under 3 minutes. Perceived effort level between 2 and 5, but gradually ramping things up, then get ready to start the first sweet spot session. Here I’d like to explain a little bit more about the sweet spot. Sweet spot basically means riding at an effort level of around 8 on a perceived effort level scale or around 90% of your functional threshold power, give or take 1 or 2% points. So just build things up nice and gradually at around 90 RPM. And the things I haven’t mentioned just yet, just to spice things up a little in this sweet spot session is within each 15-minute session, there is going to be 3 10-second max effort sprints, just to spice things up a little bit. And the one thing about riding at the sweet spot, although it’s remarkably effective, what you don’t want to do is neglect those fast-twitch muscle fibers. So, just peppering this session with a few nice, intense sprints should really give you a fully-fledged workout. One minute, 20 seconds, roughly, of the warm-up left. Start building things up, effort level of around 3. Make sure you have got plenty of liquids on board. Keep yourself fully hydrated. A very good idea is, as well, to have a fan going if you can. When you are moving to the first 15 minutes riding at the sweet spot, remember a perceived effort level of around 8 is what you are aiming for, so uncomfortable but sustainable.

Just lift things up a littlsweet spot cyclinge bit, go through the gears if you need to, and then settle at an rpm around 80 or 90. This isn’t overly prescriptive. It’s just a guide, but as long as you can feel that this is uncomfortable, but you know you can sustain this for a considerable period of time. And if you can see on the clock, about 4 minutes, 20 until we get to the first of those sprints, and remember ventilation, hydration, and focus. Focus throughout riding at the sweet spot, concentrating on your effort. And this sort of efforts gives you a real bang for your buck, value for money in terms of training time. They can improve your functional threshold power, but then one wonderful thing about sweet spot sessions, although they are quite exhausting, probably ought to do 3 or 2 a week, is the fact they make it far easier when you are out riding with people at lower intensities. There is a little 3-minute interval, and you should drop it back down to level 5 to 2, spin the legs before you get to the final 15-minute sweet spot. Before you get to the first sprint, get out of the saddle, ease your backside, your glutes, and your lower back. And to do that, to knock it up a couple of gears, bit more torque through the cranks, maybe 15 or 20 revs before setting back down. As long as you keep the same perceived effort, it’s always a good idea to gear up when you are out the saddle, so keep that effort constant. Next back in the saddle, knock it down a couple of sprockets. And in this session, as much as you can, try to replicate running at the sweet spot on a long climb. That is why the RPM are slightly lower to replicate the realities. Sprint coming up very soon, keep it in the sprocket that you are in, that could be a good idea. Normally after a sprint interval, knock it right back down, but remember to keep the effort on. Keep the pressure on, compose yourself. It’s not nice. It’s a wonderful form of training, really builds up your resilience and tolerance to race efforts and, of course, recruits another group of muscles as well, so it’s a superb all-round session. Keep it around 80 and get back into that rhythm. You should still feel that burn, that residual effort of the first sprint. Remember, still got 5 more to go, but only 2 more within this session. Just going round a nice hairpin. Again, stay focused. Think about the way you are pedaling. sweet spot training

The wonderful thing about riding indoors, it’s a very controlled environment. You don’t have to worry about the traffic or other road hazards, just focus on the job at hand so applying the effort, the power through the pedals, your breathing, and also your technique. I used to train on the indoor trainer, about a third of my time was spent indoors, honing myself, and I think I got a tremendous benefit from actually having a limited time, and that is what’s great about sweet spot training. Of course, you can do it out on the road. Try and find yourself a kind of pretty unbroken stretch of road, quite, no road junctions, so it can be as pure as an effort as possible.