Pre-season Training the Three-Phase Plan

Posted by tan xiao yan on

Here will introduce three phases for pre-season cycling training.

PHASE 1: resistance training

The resistance training will help you prepare for your next cycling season ahead of the game. Firstly, start low by letting your muscles adapt slowly to the new ride load. Beginning with lighter weights and remember that don't force it. If you find you haven’t improved in a while, you can establish efficient neuro-muscular pathways and strengthen muscle. This period also helps to reduce greatly the risk of injury by practicing the tendons, ligaments, and well as musculature attachment areas to become more robust. Secondly, synchronizing your improvement with your riding which will ensure that you training appropriately under the appropriate intensity. Training is related to the intensity. If you're too feeble between the gym and the bike you won't be able to execute useful workouts on the bike or in the gym. They won't be enough for your suitable intensity to stimulate physiological change. Next, plan with next season in mind, and an appropriately timed lift program will address all the appropriate energy systems and then conclude at the same time you are beginning your intensive riding. The phase will also be of sufficient length to properly stimulate the desired energy system and you can have the lasting change.

PHASE 2: aerobic endurance

Strong cyclists cannot win if they lack anaerobic power. If you feel comfortable during the race, just waiting for the moment to attack, then unsuccessful attacks might be caused by insufficient anaerobic power. Also, the other riders may be extraordinarily aware of your attacks since you have shown that it’s not a problem for you to stay in the group. To solve the problem, focus on anaerobic training with a power meter. Anaerobic training has never been easier than now. Power meters make it so much easier to produce the correct workload during the intervals (pacing control during a 40second interval is really difficult without a power meter). If you have been riding on the track, you will know how much influence pacing control has on performance. I guess that we all have tried to start out too fast on time trials on the roads, but what I try to say, is that hurts so much more when it happens in short events like a 1000m or just in a short interval. If you are not able to maintain watts at the end of an interval, I’m pretty sure that a power meter will help your pacing and after a couple of months, you will see that your train is more effective and gives better results.

Phase 3: maximum sustainable power intervals

Then you have to increase your maximum sustainable power which can increase the pace so that you can work prolonged climbs out, and in the best case, it also means you can ride more comfortably while others are riding at their maximum sustainable power outputs. You may choose the climbing repeat intervals, very effective for increasing the maximum power to you sustain for the duration of a long climb, are a straightforward workout designed to increase your maximum sustainable climbing power. The intensity for the intervals is just below your maximum sustainable power output, meaning you’ll be asking for full power from your aerobic system and also tapping into your glycolytic system. Accumulating time at this intensity forces your body to adapt so you can produce more power from the aerobic engine, which means you’ll either be able to stay with the leaders more comfortable or have the power to push the pace even higher.