Some Common Problems May Occur in Long-distance Cycling

Posted by tan xiao yan on

It may be a wonderful and enjoyable thing to have the long ride for cyclists. They can enjoy the process of flying up and down hills, riding solo or in line with companion into the wind, feeling drained at the end of an all-day ride but full of pride.—no other sports compare to the most challenging, and rewarding things. Nothing compares to the feeling of satisfaction. Cycling is very low impact and one of the safest sports but there's still a few risks of inducing problems. Here is going to point out some common problems and also some suggestions to reduce risks.

Mechanical Issue

Most cyclists have had not a single mechanical issue, such as the usual punctures, tire explosions, and spoke breakages that slowed them down in the long ride. It must be sad when four spokes pull out of the rear hub, the trailer and the chain stay snap. How many spokes do you really need? I’d say 36 - 4 = 32. I had traveled with 4 less than the usual complement for about 800 km until I could buy another rear wheel. You don’t need a two-thousand dollar (plus) bike to go touring around the world, but I firmly believe the money you invest in quality, durable parts on the front end, will help save you time and headaches on the back end. I just wanted to add that preventative maintenance can also go a long way. I replaced our chains every 4,000 miles, the cassettes every 7500 miles, and rear tires every 5,000 miles. Though no parts did break, I was carrying extra cables, duct tape, zip-ties, spokes, and brake pads and spare derailleur hanger.

cycling Mechanical Issue


A long-distance ride leads to exposing the skin. If you can, avoid cycling during the peak hours of sun: usually between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. It is advisable that sunscreen should be reapplied at least every two hours. Trying a quick-absorbing gel formula or a waxy stick sunscreen that will stay put and not run into your eyes and mouth while you ride may be a good option. Tightly woven fabrics have a higher sun-protective factor, and wearing a helmet and sunglasses can also be helpful in protecting exposed scalps against sunburn.


When you ride for long in a day, encountering a headwind is a matter. It can be friend or enemy. A headwind represents a significant challenge – like pedaling with the brake blocks rubbing on the rim – and one that can quickly eat into energy reserves if not tackled with care. If you start with a tailwind, roll easy—you'll have a headwind on the way home. In a group, stick together during headwind stretches so you can take turns at the front working to shelter the others. Because riding in a group, or sitting on a wheel, saves approximately 20 to 30 percent compared to the effort required to ride at the same speed when exposed to the elements.

cycling group

Starvation and Dehydration

You can tough it out for 100 miles even if you aren't eating properly. When you ride, you burn a combination of glycogen (from carbohydrate) and fat for energy. We all have enough fat for the ride but only enough glycogen for several hours of hard riding. If you run out of glycogen, your brain feels fuzzy and hit the wall. It is important to eat while riding. Making sure to get enough calories in throughout the ride makes a huge difference. (Your body will thank you for this the day after). Also adding salts and lots of water in my diet can help with recovery which ensures your next ride and physical situation. If you don’t start replenishing your carbohydrate reserves within two hours after exercise, you will stay hungry for longer and risk overeating making you gain weight.

Dehydration of cyling

Keeping a Posture

Holding a posture for long will cause muscle stiff, and using incorrect riding techniques or posture can make your sore. So you should periodically change hand positions, keeping your thumbs wrapped around the bar or brake lever for security. To relieve your neck and shoulders, shrug for 5 to 10 seconds. On a clear stretch of road, you should remember to reach one hand up between your shoulders for a few seconds, and then swap hands. Stand up and drop one pedal so your leg is straight. Let your heel sag below the pedal, holding for 20 seconds and then switching legs. The severe exercise can for example also increase serum uric acid and other blood markers, but that's to be expected and part of the training stimulus and getting fitter

All forms of stretching will help with flexibility and range of movement. And if you are thinking of cycling for very long distances, this could help to reduce repetitive strain on the muscles.


Saddle Sore

Saddle sore is another problem worth mentioning. A good pair of shorts with padded lining will help tremendously. And also the correct seat is very important. Setting the bike up correctly is not something to be missed. This can help to avoid knee pains and trapped nerves in the neck which could transfer to your hands over time. You are unlikely to have problems but if your position on the bike is wrong, especially if your seat is too high or low you could develop knee problems or other joint problems (back, neck). Make sure you're comfortable and just pay attention to your body. If you have any pains in joints or muscles review your position, make small adjustments and keep working at it. If you do have an overuse injury, take time off to heal.

Saddle Sore cycling

Physical Strength Overdraft

The long-distance ride may result in reduced explosive strength. Having a bit of experience when riding one can more easily know one's body and read the signs of overuse or overtraining and take the requisite time off. If you feel so tired that you can’t enjoy the rest of the day. One of the things about cycling is that it is a sport, like others whose capital is sometimes born in discomfort. The notion of getting over it and suffering can be counterproductive if approached incorrectly. If you are just starting, you must first gradually build your strength by increasing the length and intensity of your long rides.

Now that all sounds dreadful, but as others have pointed out that I would certainly agree that the positives way outweigh the negatives, for example, this consistent aerobic exercise lowers your risk for cardiovascular illness, diabetes, and certain cancers.