In today’s article, we are going to share some trivial knowledge of cycling with you.
1.How many professional cyclists would it take to power a dishwasher?
Since it became possible to measure accurately the power a cyclist generate when he rides, the cyclists’ training methods have been transformed.The data is useful because we can know how hard a cyclist work through it.
The technology was firstly made available in the 1990s.There are several ways of measuring power output on a bike, including sensors in the chain and on the roller of a stationary home trainer, but the most efficient and most popular is the sensor placed on the crankset, which measures power through the pressure placed on the chaining and translates it to wattage.Image result for chris froome
Perhaps the most studied set of rider data was released in 2015 when Team Sky agreed to publish the results of physical tests, which showed that Chris Froome’s peak power was 525W and he could sustain 419W over 20-40 minutes.This was no better than similar tests he did in 2007.suggesting he was riding clean.The critical difference was that he was 6 kg lighter which, according to one scientist, meant he was operating at “ the upper limit of human performance”.
2.Modern cycling shoes Image result for cycling shoes
Cycling shoes are shoes purpose-made for cycling, of which key features include rigidity, for more efficient transfer of power from the cyclist to the pedals.Cycling shoes are designed variously due to different types and intensity of cycling.
Modern cycling shoes are designed to work with clipless pedal systems. Such systems temporarily connect the shoe to the pedal for maximal efficiency of power-transfer by using a cleat on the bottom of each shoe and a matched fitting on the pedal. Several manufacturers produce these systems; consequently, modern shoes usually have threaded holes in the sole in various arrangements to attach cleats from different manufacturers.
Broadly there are two styles of clipless pedals: road and MTB. Mountain bike style uses a small cleat that sits up inside the sole of the shoe. It enables reasonable walking/running when dismounted. While road pedals use a wide cleat that makes walking difficult but gives good power transfer and is comfortable on long rides.
3.The history of cycling helmetsImage result for cycling helmet
In the beginning, there were head injuries increasing rapidly.In the 1880's high-wheel users in clubs saw that head injuries were a problem and began using pith helmets. Pith is a crushable material and was likely the best material available at the time.
At the beginning of the 20th century, racers began to use helmets formed of a ring of leather around the head and a wool ring above that, which offers a little better protection than Pith helmets.
In 1975, Bell Auto parts invented the first real helmet for cyclists. It consisted of a hard plastic shell padded with a foam-like material. And this was the beginning of the modern helmets.
In 1984, The American National Standards Institute introduced standards for helmets and were widely accepted, which helped to remove ineffective helmets from the market and raise the quality of helmets.
Soon a foam liner made of expanded polystyrene was invented,
And in the 1990s, a thin hard shell was added to the polystyrene foam helmet for durability
Today’s helmets are lighter, more streamline, and have multiple vents for comfort and adjustable straps to make them more secure and easier to wear.
4. The history of the coveted pink jersey.Image result for pink jersey cycling
The jersey in cycling is the key sign of success.
The yellow jersey was chosen by the Tour de France was because yellow is the color of its organizing newspaper L’Auto.And the pink jersey or maglia rosa as it known in Italian, is the race leader's jersey at the Giro d'Italia.Pink was chosen in 1931 because the race’s founder and organizer, La Gazzetta Dello Sport, was printed on pink paper.And now, the pink jersey has become iconic, symbolizing the emotions, passion, and style of Italian cycling.
5. How Henri Desgrange came up with his great idea?
Henri Desgrange was a French bicycle racer and sports journalist, who had set 12 world track cycling records.And he was also the first organizer of the Tour de France, who founded the Tour de France in 1903.
In the early 1990s, Desgrange became an editor-in-chief of a sport newspaper.But Desgrange knew little of the publishing business and the magazine began suffering from poor circulation.To save the sinking publication, Desgrange turned to cycling.And one of his journalists came up with this idea and he agreed but was so cautious that he stayed away from the first event.Finally, the France de Tour was proved a success and helped with the magazine circulation.
Things to know about cycling
6. Laurent Fignon, known for his gallant defeat
Laurent Patrick Fignon was a French professional road bicycle racer who won the Tour de France in 1983 and 1984 and won the Giro d'Italia in 1989. He nearly captured the Tour de France for the third time in 1989 but he was edged by Greg LeMond by 8 seconds, which made him known for this failure.
In his autobiography in 2009, he wrote: “The morning after the defeat of the day before was when the hardest bit began, I kept counting in my head: eight seconds, eight seconds. And the more I counted, the more aware I became of what a derisory amount of time it was.How could I have lost? How could I have allowed it to happen? For hours and hours, I felt sorry for myself. “
7. Alfonsina Strada, the devil in a dress
Alfonsina Strada was an Italian cyclist.She was the only woman who has ridden one of three cycling major stage races. She started in the Giro d'Italia in 1924 and lasted her career for 26 years.And the newspapers called her The Devil in a dress.
At that time, women were not allowed to participate in the competition.Due to the love for cycling and the awakening of feminism, she signed up with the name ‘Alfonsin Strada’ to mix up the gender, becoming the pioneer of women riding.She rode 3610 km, side by side with men, breaking all those stereotypes through every pedal.She is a legendary cycling hero and her story inspires generation to generation
Things to know about cycling
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