Top 5 important techniques require bicyclers to learn for cornering safely

Posted by tan xiao yan on

During the cycling, there are always a lot of different road conditions on cyclists’ ways. For instance, paved road and unpaved road, plain road and rough road, straight road and bent road. And cycling on various roads require riders to learn a great deal of important and useful skills to pass them safely. Especially during the periods like bends because in which usually easier occur accidents. No matter in the sunny days or rainy days, on the paved road or mountain paths, corners always the places where full of secrets and risks, as well as excitement. So here 6 techniques for cornering safely will be recommended to all of riders.

Measure the conditions of the corner
Before you really reach the area of the corner, you need to scan the conditions of the corner with your eyes and your experience. The factors that dictate this are how sharp the corner is how, wide the road is and how grippy the surface is. And sometimes, some corners may be shielded by some mountains and trees, which may you cannot see the clear conditions of the corner. At this moment, cyclists ought to be patient to observe it.

That seems like a lot of information to look for but it's all interlinked and before long one quick glance will give you all the information you need. Firstly, you should be scanning the road in front of you anyway but it's particularly important when cornering depending on your speed can be looking upwards of 25 to 50 meters in front of you. Secondly, when scanning a corner the first question is can you see that exit? That will tell you how sharp the corner is. If you can see the exit are there any other indicators that can tell you where the road will go? Trees next the road or street lights for example; even road signs. Knowing how sharp a corner is tells you how fast you can hit it. Thirdly, if the road is wide you have a bit more room to choose your line, which can effectively make a corner less sharp, so factor this in as well. Finally the road surface if it is wet or broken or loose you have less grip so adjust your speed accordingly. It is a fairly important measure for you to turn around the corner safely.

Slow down your speed before it
When approaching a corner you need to gauge how much speed you'll be able to carry through it. Besides, when you are scan the conditions of the corner, you should slow down first because you haven’t know all the things around it. Anyway, something unexpected will probably happen at the other side of the corner where you cannot see yet. What’s more if you find that the road is narrow and the corner is sharp, or it is the rainy days while the surface is wet and slippery, then you have to slow down in a relative far distance. If you cycle too fast when you are cornering, you could probably fall down and hurt yourself badly.

Keep the balance
Now we've ascertained what speed you can enter the corner, it's time to think about your technique on the bike. In other words, how to keep the balance of your bike to make you corner in a comfortable and safe condition.

First of all, Get your weight low, ride on the drops, and bend your elbows. This lowers your center of gravity which means you can turn tighter for a given speed or, just turn faster. Riding on the drops also pulls your weight forward which can add grip to the front wheel. Secondly, drop your pedal on the outside of the corner to the 6 o'clock position and put your weight through it, keeping your backside off the saddle lean the bike towards the direction the corner and if you really cranking it over shift the bike more than your body letting it move underneath you. Thirdly, The fastest line through a corner is almost always through the apex. For fast, sweeping corners you don't always need to use the full width of the road so if you can cut it tight enough hug the inside all the way around for the shortest line. Lastly, Always fix your gaze on the apex and then the exit of the corner. Looking where you want to go is an important part getting around it. During the corner is quite different from the straight road, especially the position of your body and the gestures you use to ride which really affect the quality you corner.

Rationally use the brakes
Avoid braking in a corner as much as possible, your tyres are under a lot of pressure to maintain traction when cornering fast adding further stresses to them with braking is a recipe for losing it. Most crashes in corners come from this fact, so it's really worth keeping your entrance speed under control. However, if you try to apply your brakes during the corner you run the risk of losing control. If you must apply the brakes use the rear only.

Be cautious but not too nervous
Staying relaxed when cornering is one of the most important aspects. If you ever watch cycling on TV you can actually see when a rider gets nervous and not just by how much slower they're starting to go but how their arms tense up and how they lose the ability to turn smoothly. If you suffer from a loss of confidence slow down a little and build it back up again buy gradually increasing your speed. So remember to think about your approach, your technique, don't brake and you'll be on track to pass it safely.

Cycling should always be a kind of sport which makes you comfortable and happy, no matter on the straight road or the bent road. If you want to cycle in a happier and safer way, then those skills for protecting you and improving our cycling quality you really need to learn and used them in the cycling. As what I said before, corners for the cyclists would all the time be the places where something exciting and hazardous. So riders should be cautious about that when they cornering.