BestForCycling News
How to Clean and Lubricate Your Bicycle Chain
Posted by tan xiao yan on
A clean and well lubed drive train will go a long way towards keeping your bike working well. Most people understand this is important but aren't sure how to go about it. I have a simple system that will save time and keep your parts working better. There are two ways to clean your chain: on the bike or take the chain off the bike. On the Bike Method Items Needed: Bicycle Chain cleaning device or bristle brush, degreaser and chain lube Step 1: Shift your chain into the big ring in the front and second hardest gear on the...
Tips For Safe Bike Commuting
Posted by tan xiao yan on
Getting around by bike can be a great experience but you've got to keep safe. I've been commuting by bike for over twenty years with only one bad crash. Here are a few tips to help keep the rubber side down and avoid danger will commuting by bike.Pay attentionYou don't have the protective shell of a car around you so it's up to you to keep yourself safe. Pay attention to what's going on around you so you can anticipate any danger. If you see parked cars along the street ahead of you give them a wide berth so you...
Review - Time Atac Clipless Pedals
Posted by tan xiao yan on
The Time Atac design has been around for a while now and while they keep upgrading them with new materials, the basic design has stayed the same because it works. Durable, easy to engage and very good in all weather conditions, the Atac pedals are a great option for mountain bikes, commuters and touring riders who want to be able walk when off the bike. While there are many variations of the pedals including the Roc and Z-control downhill pedal, the mechanism functions the same for all of them.Time has an Atac style pedal that will fit most budgets. The...
Road Clipless Pedals - Choosing the Right Fit For You
Posted by tan xiao yan on
There are a lot of styles of road clipless on the market, making it tough to figure out what would be the right option. Save yourself the cost of experimenting by reading the low down on the different pedal systems. Over the last few years we've seen an influx of pedal redesigns from Shimano, Time, Look and Speedplay. Each of these has come with some improvements but they also have come with some changes that may make a pedal not work for you.ShimanoShimano is the only one of the bunch that has pedals made from metal, aluminum to be specific....
Cyclocross Bikes - The Sport Utility Vehicle You Pedal
Posted by tan xiao yan on
Home » Recreation and Sports » CyclingJoin Sign inEzineArticles - Expert Authors Sharing Their Best Original ArticlesSearchWinston EndallPlatinum Quality AuthorPlatinum Author | 99 ArticlesJoined: November 11, 2009 CanadaCyclocross Bikes - The Sport Utility Vehicle You PedalBy Winston Endall | Submitted On February 10, 2010Recommend Article Article Comments Print ArticleShare this article on Facebook1Share this article on Twitter1Share this article on Linkedin1Share this article on Delicious2Share this article on Digg1Share this article on Reddit1Share this article on Pinterest1Expert Author Winston EndallDo you want a bike that is faster than a mountain bike on road but tougher than a road bike? You...